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Firewire threat to FDE

Full-Disk Encryption (FDE) suffers class attacks lately.

As if the latest research (which showed that RAM contents can be recovered after power-down) was not enough, it seems as Firewire ports can form yet an easier attack vector into FDE-locked laptops.

From TechWorld: Windows hacked in seconds via Firewire

The attack takes advantage of the fact that Firewire can directly read and write to a system’s memory, adding extra speed to data transfer.

The tool mentioned seems to only bypass the Win32 unlock screen, but given the free access to RAM, exploit code that digs out FDE keys is a matter of very little extra work.

This is nothing new. The concept was presented a couple of years ago, but I haven’t seen most FDE enthusiasts disable their Firewire ports yet.


Microsoft downplayed the problem, noting that the Firewire attack is just one of many that could be carried out if an attacker already has physical access to the system.

“The claims […] are not software vulnerabilities, but reflect a hardware design industry issue that affects multiple operating systems,” Bill Sisk, Microsoft’s security response communications manager, told Techworld.

It is not their fault, but being a company that pretends to take users’ security seriously, and being at a position that allows them to block this attack vector elegantly, I would have gone that extra half-mile rather than come up with excuses why not to fix it. All they need to do is make sure (through a user-controlled but default-on feature) that when the workstation is locked, new Firewire or PCMCIA devices cannot be introduced. That hard?

Corrected to add
Apparently, further discussion has revealed that it is too hard… PCMCIA devices are bus-masters once connected, so there is very little the CPU (commanded by the Operating System) can do to prevent rogue devices that are using these interfaces from accessing arbitrary memory addresses.
Thanks to Philipp Guhring, Dave Korn, and Jerry Leichter for their contribution to the discussion.

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